What Causes Grey Hair? Plus 7 More Need-to-Knows

‘Before’ photo of hair with grey roots and ‘after’ photo of wavy hair with caramel balayage.

‘What causes grey hair?’ It’s one of the most common questions we hear from clients who are trying to keep silver strays at bay, and can’t figure out where they came from. The fact is, there are a number of reasons we get grey hair – from stress to plain and simple genetics. Here, we reveal the full details, plus answers to seven more questions you might have about grey locks...

Woman with long dark hair and grey roots, sitting in a salon chair.

Image Credit: @house_of_balayage

Back of woman’s head with loosely curled hair and caramel balayage.


Back of woman’s head with shoulder-length blonde hair and grey roots, sitting in a salon chair.

Image Credit: @harklippetimora

Back of woman’s head with loosely curled, ice blonde hair.