Do Highlights Damage Hair? Here’s the Full Lowdown

Do highlights damage hair? It’s a question professional hair colourists hear a lot from their clients, and the answer isn’t quite as simple as ‘yes’ or ‘no’. In fact, the effect highlights have on the condition of hair depends largely on three key things: the hair colour products you use, the way you use them, and the aftercare your clients follow when they get home.

So, let’s explore the impact highlights might have on tresses, plus ways to help clients unlock brighter ribbons while nourishing their coloured hair…

Model stood in front of a beige wall facing away from the camera. Their blonde hair is styled into beachy waves
A hair stylist stands behind their blonde client and uses their hands to work the hair at the roots
Wella Professionals BlondorPlex products arranged on a large rock in front of trees
Model with long, wavy blonde highlighted hair is wearing a pink sequin clothing
Before and after of dark brown curly hair that's been highlighted with Koleston Perfect's Special Blonde bleach-free colour
Model with highlighted curly hair looks over her shoulder holding a box of Koleston Perfect Special Blonde over one eye
Before & after of straight blonde hair that's been treated with Wella Professionals Ultimate Repair products for damaged hair
Close-up of hands with red painted nails squeezing a bottle of Ultimate Repair cleansing shampoo in the palm
Close-up of hands with red painted nails squeezing a bottle of Ultimate Repair Rebuilding Conditioner in the palm
Close-up of a hand touching the top of a bottle of Ultimate Repair Miracle Hair Rescue by Wella Professionals