But First, Hair… Tips to Prep You for Reuniting with Clients

Are you heading back to business? With a number of governments relaxing lockdown rules, some salons are getting the go-ahead to reopen doors and start booking appointments again. If yours is one of them, be ready, because life is about to get a whole lot busier, with an expected avalanche of color corrections and cuts coming your way… What can we say? You’ve been missed.
In fact, since the beginning of lockdown, 60% of clients surveyed* claimed they miss hairdressing the most out of any other beauty service, while 90% said they will book a visit to the salon within the first month of reopening. 85% said they would be in need of a color service as a priority, with a further 50% claiming that getting their hair done boosts their confidence.
And just look to Twitter and Instagram for more proof. Endless Stories, Tweets and grid posts are all saying the same thing: Sure, people want to see their friends again… But first, hair. Your job is to make sure that, when they do come back, you’re providing the safest space possible for you and your clients; one that’s well-stocked with products, equipment and all the essentials for a whole lot of root touch-ups.
You’re probably excited to start using your skills and pro knowledge again, as well as reconnecting with the people you’ve spent years building relationships with. Before you do, we’ve pulled together seven tips on getting ready to head back to hairdressing, whether you’re a salon owner, an in-house expert or a freelancer…
1. Safety First
Before you do anything, make sure you refer to your local government guidelines on reopening salons, which should provide you with region-specific information on how you can create a clean working space and safe environment.
2. Speak to Staff
If you’re a salon owner, the safety and happiness of your staff is essential, so ensure you clearly communicate opening dates or any changes to their ways of working. You may find some are hesitant to be heading back to the salon. If that’s the case, speak with them about their concerns, present solutions and find ways to make them feel more comfortable. Above all, if they’re not sure, don’t pressure them. These are unprecedented times, and everyone will need to move at their own pace when lockdown comes to an end. Try to have these one-on-one conversations early – ideally, before booking appointments – so you can ensure the number of clients lines up with the number of staff available.
3. Speak to Clients
Carrying out online hair consultations (aka #CouchConsultations) is a huge time-saver, as it means you’ll be able to hit the ground running when salon doors reopen. One-on-one video calls will allow you to see exactly what kind of treatment each client needs, so you can be certain you’ve got the right products available and judge how much time is needed per appointment. It will also make it easier to ensure fewer people are in the salon at any one time, preventing appointment overlaps and helping you add a 10-15 minute gap between clients.

Image Credit: @konstantinos_hair

Image Credit: @matherzberg
4. Manage Appointment Avalanche
Those online hair consultations will help with organizing appointments, but you might still find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of clients booking in. You don’t want to be turning them away at such a crucial time but, more importantly, you don’t want to overburden your staff or compromise the safety of the salon environment. That’s why it’s important to be realistic about what you can and can’t do, explaining to clients that their wellbeing is vital, and you’re organizing bookings accordingly. You could consider introducing shift work but keeping the salon open for longer. This way you can spread appointments out and reduce your salon headcount, while fitting more into a day and ensuring staff are only working a few hours at a time.
5. Sign Up for Salon Finder
Head to the Wella Professionals Salon Finder and make sure your salon is listed. It’s one of our most searched-for pages, so you’re going to want to be on there. Not yet listed? Then contact us with your details ASAP to capture new clients looking for a Wella salon.

Image Credit: @hairdesign_by_daniela_nikola

Image Credit: @lotufo
6. Check Salon Stock
This is an important one. To provide salon excellence, a full range of products and equipment is needed. You don’t want to be falling short of certain shades or conditioning treatments. Take an inventory – making sure nothing is out of date – then place an order on WellaStore to ensure you have all the hair color formulas, haircare, gloves, aprons and equipment required to give your clients the best service.
7. Market Your Salon
In the weeks leading up to reopening, get the word out that your salon or freelance business is back. Updating your Instagram is one easy way, so make an announcement on both your Stories and grid. Make sure you head to the Wella Salon Marketing hub, too, where you’ll find the latest posters, pricing booklets and window displays to download, so your salon stands out.
* The data is based on a Toluna survey conducted in April 2020 with 1,200 participants across the USA and UK.