#WellaFamily Jordanna Cobella Colour Journey

Woman with dark wavy hair in black and white

As a salon owner, the thought of switching colour houses initially gave me anxiety from both a business and performance perspective.

The excitement had officially set in and I came up with a plan on how to educate the staff with little cost to the business, how to manage the changeover with my clients and we set a date! The academy offered heaps of support and so many different options which I could choose from and, of course, their proven hints and tips on how other they managed other successful switchovers.


I was geared up to begin an exciting and mutually beneficial partnership with a colour brand that I felt totally confident as well as comfortable in. After negotiating the commercial terms of the contract, it was still ultimately up to me to ensure I got the most I could out of this and that this would be a beneficial move for me and my business.